
Congress Program

 Time Venue Activity
Friday 12 July 2013
from 09.00 L.01.Lobby Installation exhibitors
11.00-13.00 L.02.15 INTERSTENO Board meeting
14.00-16.00 L.02.02 INTERSTENO Jury meeting
17.00-20.00 L.01.Lobby Opening registration and information desk
Saturday 13 July 2013
07.30-20.00 L.01.Lobby Opening registration/info desk (closed: 13.00-18.00)
08.30 L.02.01 Instructions for jury helpers in competitions
10.00-12.00 T.10 INTERSTENO council meeting 1 (10th floor)
13.00-14.00 L.02 & L.03 Installation and training competitions TP-TC-WP
Classrooms are locked at 14.00 h. Laptops can remain
in the classrooms during opening ceremony.
14.30 UFO UGent Opening ceremony: doors open
15.00 sharp UFO UGent Opening of the 49th INTERSTENO congress
17.00 L.00 Welcome drink for all participants
18.30-20.00 L.02 & L.03 Training and instructions for competitors (TP-TC-WP-SR)
whole day L.01.Lobby Exhibition
Sunday 14 July 2013
07.30-18.00 L.01.Lobby Opening registration and information desk
07.15 L.02 & L.03 Opening competition rooms TP-TC-WP
07.45 h presence required
08.30 L.02 & L.03 World championship Text Production (TP)
10.00 L.02 & L.03 World championship Text Corrections (TC)
10.00-12.30 L.01.Aula4 IPRS meeting
11.00-12.30 L.02 & L.03 World championship Word Processing (WP)
13.30 L.02 Start corrections TP-TC-WP
14.00 L.02 & L.03 AudioTranscription trial contest
15.00-17.30 L.02 & L.03 Summary reporting competitions (SR)
15.00-17.00 Ghent city Boattrip Ghent (Excursion 1)
Meeting point: entrance congress venue at 15.10 h
17.45 L.01.Aula 4 Instructions for competitors/helpers on Monday (SC-RT)
whole day L.02 & L.03 Multilingual shorthand competitions (ML)
whole day L.01.Lobby Exhibition
until late L.02 & L.03 Corrections TP-TC-WP-SR-ML
Monday 15 July 2013
07.30-18.00 L.01.Lobby Opening registration and information desk
whole day L.02 & L.03 Finalizing corrections TP-TC-WP-SR
08.00 L.02 & L.03 World championship speech capturing (SC)
11.00 L.02 & L.03 World championship real time speech capturing (RT)
13.00 L.02 & L.03 Corrections SC-RT-ML (until late)
13.30-15.30 Ghent city Nibbling through Ghent (Excursion 2)
12.45 h meeting point: entrance congress venue OR
13.20 h middle Kouter square
13.30-14.00 L.02.01 Fluency typing experiment (on invitation)
University of Antwerp
14.00-16.00 L.01.09 Meeting Scientific Committee
16.00-18.30 L.01.Aula4 IPRS meeting
whole day L.02 & L.03 Multilingual shorthand competitions (ML)
whole day L.02 & L.03 Finalizing corrections TP-TC-WP-SR-ML
whole day L.01.Lobby Exhibition
Tuesday 16 July 2013
07.30-18.00 L.01.Lobby Opening registration and information desk
whole day L.02 & L.03 Finalizing all corrections
07.45-19.00 Liège Visit to Liège (Excursion 3)
Meeting point: 07.45 h entrance congress venue
09.00-17.30 L.01.Aula 4 Conferences
14.00-18.00 Ghent city Youth event (up to 26 years)
Meeting point: 13.20 h entrance congress venue OR
13.50 h Emile Braun square city center
from 18.30 L.00.Kantiene Thank you evening for all congress participants
please enter between 18.30 and 19.30 h
21.00-01.00 Ghent student area Youth event party in The Rector
Stalhof 5, 9000 Gent
whole day L.01.Lobby Exhibition
Wednesday 17 July 2013
07.30-11.00 L.01.Lobby Opening registration and information desk
07.30-17.00 Brussels IPRS-visit to European parliament (on invitation)
Meeting point: entrance congress venue
07.45-18.00 Brussels Tourist visit to Brussels (Excursion 4)
Meeting point: entrance congress venue
19.00 Extern Council dinner (on invitation)
Meeting point: entrance congress venue
Thursday 18 July 2013
07.30-15.00 L.01.Lobby Opening registration and information desk
08.00-12.00 L.01.Lobby Exhibition
08.30-10.30 T.10 INTERSTENO council meeting 2 (10th floor)
11.00 L.01.Aula 4 INTERSTENO General Assembly
12.00 T.10 INTERSTENO council meenting 3 (10th floor)
16.00 UFO UGent Prize-giving ceremony
18.30 outside city Departure to farewell dinner and party by bus
Friday 19 July 2013
09.00-18.00 Brugge Final congress excursion to Brugge (Excursion 5)
Guided walk – boat trip – Lunch
Brewery/Groeninghe museum/Historium/Shopping
Meeting point: 08.45 h entrance congress venue
After congress
20-29 July Ghent 20-29th July 2013 – The Ghent Festivities (Gentse Feesten)
17-21 July Spa 17-21th July 2013 – Les francofolies de Spa

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