
Associated and Individual Membership

Associated Members Logo

Associated members can be companies, associations or other organizations and parliamentary reporting services, whose membership is of importance for the enlargement of the working field of the Federation. The annual contribution is 175,00 EUR.

Also private persons are welcome to support Intersteno activity as individual members. The annual contribution is 45,00 EUR.

Both associated members and individual members are entitled to vote in the INTERSTENO General Assembly, which takes final decisions on many important aspects of the life of Intersteno.

Associated membership

are listed in the INTERSTENO website with their name, contact information, short description of activities and logo. They are entitled to have their logo in a rotating banner (300px × 120px) which is shown in the home page of website.

Individual membership

are listed in the INTERSTENO website with their name and country.

Both associated and individual members are entitled to use the definition of ‘Associated member of Intersteno’ or ‘Individual member of Intersteno’ and use the dedicated Intersteno logo in their communications. Both logos can be downloaded at the menu Leaflet and Logo.

Associated and individual members can benefit of special discounts or contributions for attending Intersteno events.

‘Associated membership’ or ‘individual membership’ is not automatically granted to anybody asking for it. The nomination has to be evaluated by the Board and the Council, as well as by the General Assembly which finally ratifies.

Since the  Council generally meets once per year, it is necessary that a request is entered at least 60 days before the date of the Meeting. Meeting dates and venues are released by our e-news letter which is regularly sent every two months.

Request to become Associated or individual Members, must be sent in using the form available at the menu ‘Join us’ of this web site.

Payment can immediately be done by using you credit card via PayPal (no bank transfer fee is accounted) or bank transfer.

If the subscription is finally not admitted, the paid subscription fee is totally refunded.

For any additional information please contact Ms Linda Drake ( who coordinates and facilitates relationships with these members.

The admission of Associated and individual members is ruled by the following points of the Constitution:

4.3 Associated members can be private persons and artificial persons like companies, associations or other organizations and parliamentary reporting services, who are interested in the domains of activity of the Federation.

5.3 A prospective Associated member has to apply in writing to the Board and to prove, to the satisfation of the Board, that his or her membership can be of importance for the Federation.

5.4 The Council, on the proposal of the Board, can admit Associated members from countries where no National Group exists.

5.5 The Council, on the proposal of the Board, can admit Associated members, not belonging to a professional section, from countries where a National Group exists. Such an admission should not harm the interests of the National Group in question


1887 - 2024 All Rights Reserved. Intersteno - International Federation for Information and Communication Processing