- October – IPRS reports during the meeting in Budapest
- August – NCRA and NVRA American convention
- Last summer I attended the National Verbatim Reporters Association (NVRA) Convention in Charleston and the National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) Convention in Chicago at the request of the President of Intersteno, Mr Trivulzio, for whom I substituted on that occasion. Over the past years we have built up good relationships with the NVRA and the NCRA resulting in, among other things, representation in the Board of Intersteno, in the real-time competition jury as well as in the Education Committee. Americans perform well at our biennial competitions and they are ahead in technological development. I had the opportunity to get more insight into the working methods of reporters in general and court reporters in particular, as well as in the role the industry plays in the development of new technologies. During both conventions I met a lot of old friends and made many new ones. I hope that my visit to the USA will result in ever-closer ties with NCRA and NVRA and in a considerable number of Americans attending Intersteno/ IPRS in Paris.Rian Schwarz van Poppel (click here to watch the video of the speech at the NCRA convention)
- July – workshop on “Technological Options for Capturing and Reporting Parliamentary Proceedings” in Bruxelles. A summary report of the many topics discussed and to which Intersteno contributed, is also available.
hosted by the European Parliament in Brussels from 14 to 16 July 2010. The event follows the dialogue started in a specialized session of the World e-Parliament Conference 2009 held in Washington, D.C., during which participants called for more inter-parliamentary cooperation in this area of work and for sharing available expertise on the implementation of different technological solutions.
Since Ms Rian Schwarz van Poppel left in those days for USA to represent Intersteno at the Conventions of NCRA and NVRA association, Dott. Fausto Ramondelli was kindly available to in Bruxelles to represent Intersteno.
Also Ms Simone Bardot (France) and Ms Horlings (The Netherland) were attending the meeting.
You can read here a document which explains the goals of this meeting and its programme.