
How to Participate to Internet Contest

Procedures for Intersteno Internet competition


Two software modules are available:

  • TAKI moduleno need to download or install software on the computer. This module is available for 16 languages plus national versions for French and German.
  • ZAV module – no need to download or install software on the computer. It is available for the same languages and national versions mentioned before. For schools using ZAV simple registration through ZavManag portal.


Training exercises are available free of charge and can be done connecting to the menu “Training with TAKI” or “Training with ZAV”. You can train choosing the relevant language. At the end of each training exercise, you get your results in speed and accuracy.

Registration procedure if TAKI software will be used:

1 School and teacher(s) registration. The responsible of the schools or one of the teachers, enter the School Registration form directly available on the web page of – Internet competition. After inserting info on school (name as short as possible, max. 40 characters, and please don’t use full capital letters), he/she can immediately choose to add the name and e-mail of teachers. A confirmation is sent in a few minutes both to school and to the registered teachers, at the e-mail address he/she indicates in the form. Please ensure that this info is correctly spelled. If you do not receive them, please send an e-mail to gsante @ (after checking the spams). The confirmation mail to schools contains the name and password to be used for registering additional teachers.

Teacher and/or additional teacher(s) registration.

Using the school login and password, additional teacher/s, or the first teacher if it hasn’t been registered together with the school, can be inserted. For doing this please enter Each teacher receives a confirmation letter with his/her name and password for registering her/his students.

3 Registration of students.

The teacher registers her/his students by using his name and password after connecting to using Competition Login with TAKI submenu of Internet contest. She/He inserts the surnames, names, year of birth and mother tongue.

A confirmation letter with the name of the students and the number and password to be used on the competition day, is sent back to the teacher, who will deliver this info to the students at the competition day.

Additional students can be entered till the day of registration end.

If, for any reason, the teacher has not the e-mail available,  she/he can see the name and password to be used by her/his student, re-entering with her/his data.

Till the end of the contest, teachers are able to write off the wrong registrations or the one of competitors who were not able to participate.

Additional tools enable the teachers to carefully follow (with their personal access codes) the competition of their students to know who hasn’t taken, or forget to compete in the mother language.


Individual Participant

    • if there is no Intersteno group in your country (see list with email address here), please write an email to the jury president ( giving information about you (forename, surname, birthdate, country, postal address, email address). You will receive a login and password after payment of the requested fee.

Registration procedure if ZAV software will be used


School using ZAV

Teachers log into ZavManag ( portal with their usernames and passwords and nominate students to the contest as usual. Additional information is published on the homepage of ZavManag (after login).


School not using ZAV

Teachers send a request to Ms. Helena Zaviačičová (helena @ to receive a username for ZavManag.


Individual participants

Fill out this form.
You will receive your username and password to be able to compete. If necessary, you will be requested to confirm your personal data filled in the form.


TAKI competitors: Accessing the submenu ‘Competition Login with TAKI‘ and inserting the number and password, the competitors can compete in one or more of the languages. The competition language/languages are shown according to the languages texts foreseen by the organizers of the competition. When the competitor has done competition in one of these languages, it is no more shown in the list of available language. Only 1 shot per language is allowed. If the competitor does not type for 15 seconds, the software sends the results up to that moment and there is no possibility to re-enter the competition text.


ZAV competitors: Competitors log in on page Competition Login with ZAV. Students have their usernames from schools, individual participants receive them by email. Only 1 shot per language is allowed. If the competitor does not type for 15 seconds, the software sends the results up to that moment and there is no possibility to re-enter the competition text

Classifications lists

Classifications lists show following results:
a) mother tongue
b) multilingual (if the competition formula foresees this possibility)

Each of them has lists split by age category. A list, irrespective of the category age, is also produced for easy checks. Classification lists are updated in realtime.


The English text does not include double spaces after full stop. Competitors can only type one national version for French and German. TAKI and ZAV software can be used in a mixed manner, but competitors are not allowed to use both software for the same languages. The second attemps will be automatically refused.

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